Welcome to Gossips Time

In this page we are going to explain all about the rules and regulation of https://gossipstime.com/. If you need to contact us regarding to our terms and conditions then kindly send your feedback to us at gossipstim@gmail.com

By accessing the content of Gossips Time we assumes that you are agree our terms and conditions, and also our privacy policy. If you are disagree with any one of our terms and conditions then you should leave our website instantly.

All the given below terminologies are applied to the terms and conditions, disclaimer, privacy policy and all the contracts: “Clients”, “You” and “Your” all these terms refers to you, someone log on this website and complaints to the company’s terms and conditions. Let me clarify that “The Company”, “Ourselves”, “We”, “Our”, and “Us” directs to our company. “Party”, “Parties” or “Us” refers to both the clients and ourselves.

All the terms related to the offer, consideration and acceptance of payment are required to undertake the procedure for the assistance of the client in the most appropriate manner for the express purpose of meeting the Client’s needs in respect of the provision of the Company’s remarked services, in accordance with and subject to, prevailing law of the United States

All the terms that are mentioned above or different words in the singular, plural, capitalization and/or he/she/ or they take as interchangeable and that’s why are referring to the same.


After visiting our website through the internet you are agreed to use cookies according to the Gossips Time privacy policy.

Cookies are used to get the basic information or data about the any visitor of website which will help the people to make the website more accessible. All the affiliating or advertising partners may also use the cookies.


Gossips Time and its licensors own the intellectual property rights for all the content provided on the Gossips Time. All the intellectual property rights are reserved.

You must know:

  • Do not republish the material from Gossips Time
  • Do not allow to sell or give the content from Gossips Time to anyone
  • Do not duplicate or copy the content for publishing purpose or any type of preparation point of view
  • Do not allow to redistribute the content for any purpose

Any user or visitor can easily exchange or post their thoughts or opinion by using the website Gossips Time

Gossips Time does not able to edit, filter, publish or review any comment until these are present on the websites

All the comments will not reflect the opinion of Gossips Time, the comments will only reflect the opinion of the person which posted the comments

Gossips Time will not be responsible for any damage of comments

Gossips Time have all the right to keep an eye to monitor all the comments and delete any bad comments which are against the terms and conditions and also privacy policy of our website.

You must be illegible to post the comments and having all the required licenses

The comments do not against any intellectual property rights, including without the limit of copyright or trademark of any third party

The comments does not contain any unlawful or offensive words that are against the privacy policy or terms and conditions of Gossips Time website

The comments will not to promote any business activities, commercial or unlawful activities

You are granted Gossips Time a nonexclusive license to use, edit or authorized other to use, reproduce or edit any of your comment in all formats or media

Hyperlinking to our Content

All the below organizations are totally allow to link our websites without our permission

  • News Organizations
  • Government Organizations
  • Search Engines

Any online directory distributors can link our website as well as they hyperlink other websites of other businesses listed

All the illegal organizations, shopping malls and charity fundraising networks are not allowed to linking our website

We may accept the linking requests from the following organizations

  • Online Directory Distributors
  • Internet Portals
  • Dot.com community sites
  • Charities and Association’s groups
  • Law and Consulting firms
  • Education and Trade institutions

We will accept the hyperlink if it meets the following criteria

  • It looks descent and informative
  • The organizations have not any bad experience with us
  • The links will be in general contextual format
  • The links does not look unfavorable to us

If you are the trusted and well authorized organization and interested to link in our website then you should first send an email to Gossips Time. Kindly mention your name, your organization name, content details and the website URL and also a list of URLs which you intended to link our website. We will check and approve all the listed URLS and response you within 1 or 2 weeks

Approved Organization may Linking to our websites like

  • By use of our name
  • By use of resource locator being linked
  • By use of any description of our site that makes sense according to the content on the linking third party


Without our permission, no one allows creating any frames on our webpages that will change the overall visualization of our website

Content Liability

We’re not responsible for any type of content that is appeared on your websites.

You are highly promised with us to protect and secure us from all the criminal activities or criminal attacks on your websites

No links or hyperlinks will appear on any website that will lead to any criminal or unlawful activities for any website

Our Privacy

It is our pleasure to please read the Gossips Time Privacy Policy

You can get more details about Gossips Time at About Us page

Reservation of Rights

We reserved the right to request that you can remove all the links to our website. In simple words, you are agreeing to remove or terminate all the links on the website which are requested.

We have the right to completely change our terms and conditions any time.

By using our website, you are highly agreeing to obey and be bound to our terms and conditions

Removal of Links From Our Website

If you get any link or hyperlink that looks harmful or illegal then you can highly encourage to contact us through email or any source to remove that particular link or hyperlinks.

We must consider your removal link request but we do not instantly respond to you and take action according to the request about the removal of a link

We will try our best to provide you the latest and most updated information or content on our website but we are not warrant to the completeness and accuracy about the piece of content on this website


On this Gossips Time website we will try our best to present the most updated content in front our visitors but due to any reason there is the possibility that this site has outdated data.

Gossips Time has the complete right to make any change or alteration at any time on this website content without inform or noticed you.

Changes to the Terms and Conditions

Gossips Time has the right to make any change in all the terms and conditions that are mentioned above.